Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

36 Questions to Fall in Love 1-3

Recently I was looking for ideas on how to strengthen my marriage when I came across an article with 36 questions that supposidly will make you fall in love with anyone, fast. I am not sure about that, because depending on the answer, you might find that you do not like the person at all, but I thought it was interesting.  I decided to try it out in my own marriage to see if it would help with communication and just getting to know each other again after almost 29 years of marriage.  

As we just started this the other night, I can't give you much insight yet, but it has been nice to get our minds working and also looking deep within to come up with just the right answer.  It has been refreshing to have something to talk about other than, "How was work?  How did you sleep?  What do you want to watch on TV tonight?  Look at the bird on the feeder." ...

I also thought that I would share them with you.  I will ask the questions and you can answer via email, if you would like.  I will tell you my answers right here.  It should be a fun way to get to know each other.  I will be sharing three questions and answers each week.  (I thought one each week would take way too long!)

Q 1:  Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

A 1:  Well, this is hard.  Of course I would choose my four boys and their families, but the question says "anyone", and there is no way I could choose just one!  I would pick my mom, if I could choose someone who has passed, but decided that the answer must be someone who is alive.  I finally decided that I would invite Greg Maduxx.

I couldn't think of anyone so special that I would choose over anyone else, so I thought, "Who would my husband like to spend some time with?"  And I thought of his favorite baseball pitcher, Greg Maduxx.  But, I would have to order out or hire a private chef because I am a terrible cook!  

Q 2:  Would you like to be famous? In what way?  

A 2:  Hmmm.  I don't really want to be famous, but I would like to be well known for having creative ideas that help woman.  I would like women to look to me and the "tools" I offer to help them in the healing process and in getting to know God on a more authentic level.  I would enjoy being invited to events so that I could share these things with more women so that they can be helped, not so I can be famous.  I think being famous would be exhausting.

Q 3:  Before making a phone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?

A 3:  Yes, I have rehearsed what I am going to say on occassion.  Sometimes, I don't feel super confident.  If I am going to be speaking with someone I don't know, I don't want to sound like a fool!  (My friends and family already know my faults and still love me anyway!)

I look forward to hearing your answers!  

Much Love, 




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