Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

Bereaving My Dog

Uncategorized Jan 23, 2021


Lately I have been feeling guilty and confussed.  I realized one day that I cry almost everyday about the loss of my dog Buluu and only occasionally about the loss of my mom.  This has really bothered me and caused me to think a lot on this.  

Why do I grieve the loss of Buluu more than my mom...if I could choose to have one of them come back, I would, hands down choose my mom.  If I could just have one more minute with my mind cannot even describe the joy that my heart feels when I contemplate that thought.  

There has been many studies about the grief of losing a dog and it isn't uncommon to grieve more for the loss of a dog than a person, even a dearly beloved person.  One reason is because our daily routines revolve around our dog, and Luu being so needy, mine surely did.  Plus, Luu was a source of unconditional love who provided security, comfort, laughter and so much more.  Everything I did somehow reolved around his needs.  At the end of his life, we became so close, almost thinking each others thoughts and knowing each others needs.  Losing him is a huge loss that I can not even explain, only through sobbing. 

But with all the thinking I have done about this, my realization is this:

I will see my mom again!!  I have all confidence in the fact that I will see her again.  She trusted Jesus as he Savior and is in Heaven right now enjoying herself.  The loss of my mom is just temporary.  The loss of Luu is permanent.  That is where most of my grief comes from.  He was the dearest and most faithful friend that I have ever had and I will never see him agian.  (Although, Heaven is a wonderful placed filled with wonderful things that make us I am holding out hope!!  But honestly I believe that because there will be no tears in Heaven that I will be fine either way.)

What do you feel about dying and loss?  It is pretty important to have no doubt what will happen to you when you die.    It is easy to know for sure.  If you have questions about this, I would love to help!  Just reach out to me!

Much love,


P.S.  If you are grieving, art can really help to work through the pain.  Try it!!  No need to be an artist, just play and you will be amazed at the release art provides.  If you need help with this also, I have resourses for you.


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