Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

Dandelions Aren't Just a Weed


I love wildflowers.  Most people call them weeds, but to me they are beautiful and have so many special purposes.  One being making me smile.  

Dandelions are one of these such wildflowers.  They offer a bright sunshiny yellow to cheer up our day.  Plus they give us food as the leaves are very good in a salad if picked before the flowers appear and are a good source of many vitamins and minerals.  I have recently learned something else about these cheerful flowers; the symbolism of a Dandelion.  I really like it!  

The Dandelion's uplifting yellow flower reminds us of the sun and the puffball of seeds reminds us of the moon while the seeds themselves, when blown and are drifting through the air, remind us of the stars.  I love how God has put many things in creation that point us to Him.  The sun, moon and stars all in one courageous flower!

A friend of mine recently told me that they have a scientific mind, therefore they can't believe in God.  Or that God has no purpose for them.  To me, that sounds crazy because, although science is very important in our lives, without God, there would be no science.  God shows Himself and His love for us all around nature and through His science. 

I am going to take the next few weeks to write about things that we see in nature that point us to God.  I just really enjoy talking about this and learning new things about God.  I hope you do, too!

Much Love,



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