Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

The Legend of the Dogwood Tree

I have really been enjoying pondering some things in nature that point us to Jesus Christ.  It opens my mind to look around me and see Him everywhere!

Today's post is about the dogwood tree.  There is a legend that says that the dogwood tree used to be big and tall and living in the forest among the oaks and other stately trees.  The legend says that the dogwood tree was chosen to be used as the cross for Christ's crucifixion and that the tree was sad.  Jesus knew that the tree was sad so he promised the tree that it would never be used in that way again and changed it from being a tall stately tree into a shrub like tree with a twisted trunk and branches that we see on our dogwood trees today.   

The legend goes further to say that the tree burst into bloom in celebration on the day of Christ's resurrection, which it still does to this day each Easter season.  

My favorite part of the dogwood tree doesn't have anything to do with legend, but with how it looks and what it represents.  The blooms of the dogwood have four petals with a red or rusty colored stain on the indented edge of each petal to show us the cross and the four nail holes put into the Savior.  And the center of the flower is a yellow circled cluster to represent the crown of thorns placed on Jesus' head.

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork. Psalm 19:1.  I encourage you to read the rest of this psalm, it is really fun to read!

I hope you have a really great day and remember to look for God in everything!

Much Love, 




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