Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

When Emptiness Sets In

Hi Everyone!

I hope this finds you doing super duper today!  But, it might find you feeling a bit empty...or a lot empty.  If so, I hope you find my thoughts helpful.

In recent days I created a journal page with one of my favorite pictures of myself.  I was in fourth grade and it was from one of the most happiest times in my life filled with happy and joyfilled memories.   We were renting a big, old,  (haunted) house on an estate in Millbrook, NY.  I would LOVE to trail off here and tell you all about how wonderful it was!  But, alas, my original thought...emptiness.

I have been feeling a bit empty.  I actually was having a fantastic time.  I had several prayers answered in just two was actually quite overwhelming because it was so much...but then... I had some very disappointing news the other night (it wasn't actually the news--I didn't like the news, but it was the circumstances around the news that set me going downward) and I feel as though if I have one more bit of bad news, I might just crumble.  Like that camel with one tiny piece of straw put on his back that was just too much and he collapsed under the heaviness. 

I felt so empty that when I tried to pray and no words came.  I tried to pray and no feelings came... Do you ever feel like this?  What do you do when you feel like this?   

Well, what I usually do is art.  I almost felt like I couldn't even muster up enough umph to do that.  I turned on my music and looked at that picture...not just look, but I let myself float back to those beautiful times.  Things weren't perfect around me, people were hurting and the country was going through an energy shortage.  But joy filled me.  Those things didn't really affect me. 

So, I turned on my music.  I let my 9 year old self, filled with all of that excitement and promise of a wonderful future, and the music do my praying for me. I sat there soaking up the words to the music.  My soul and spirit opened up.  I felt peace.  I felt hope.  I even felt joy!

I want to encourage you to look for just the right songs to do your speaking and praying and expressing for you if you can't find the energy to do it yourself.  Listening to music, doing art, writing poems...whatever lights you up, is sure better than sitting in a heap feeling devastated.  I have some great free resources on my website to guide you in these things.  I hope that you find something to help you through your journey called "life".

Much love,



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