Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

When Emptiness Sets In

Hi Everyone!

I hope this finds you doing super duper today!  But, it might find you feeling a bit empty...or a lot empty.  If so, I hope you find my thoughts helpful.

In recent days I created a journal page with one of my favorite pictures of myself.  I was in fourth grade and it was from one of the most happiest times in my life filled with happy and joyfilled memories.   We were renting a big, old,  (haunted) house on an estate in Millbrook, NY.  I would LOVE to trail off here and tell you all about how wonderful it was!  But, alas, my original thought...emptiness.

I have been feeling a bit empty.  I actually was having a fantastic time.  I had several prayers answered in just two was actually quite overwhelming because it was so much...but then... I had some very disappointing news the other night (it wasn't actually the news--I didn't like the news, but it was the circumstances around the news that set me going downward)...

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